Thursday, August 16, 2018

How to Make Money by Blogging

Raise Your Hand If You Would Like to Make Money with Your Blog. You Are About to Discover How You Can Make Your Blog into A Money Magnet So Fast That It Will Take Your Breath Away. If You Are Tired of Struggling and Not Getting Results from Your Marketing Efforts Read On.

Making money blogging isn’t easy but it’s not rocket science. However, it does require you to master some basic skills. You must be able to use the basic WordPress functions including the technical side. Things like how to properly use your dashboard, plugins, and widgets. You must also know how to create an opt-in form on your blog in order to capture your visitor's name and email address. This requires you to learn how to edit your theme and control your sidebar on your blog. These are just the basics. Luckily there are many free resources available on the web to help you learn these basic skills. Just do a Google search and roll up your sleeves and master the basics.

Once you have these basic skills under your belt, here are the keys to start making money with your blog:


This is where most get it wrong, and therefore get frustrated and wonder why they are not making money. There must be a market for what you are trying to sell. Just having a vague idea of what you think might sell is not the way to success. So, don’t just find something you think might sell and throw up a Blog and start promoting it without doing research into that market. This requires doing keyword research and also finding out how much competition there is for that keyword in your niche. If there is too much competition, you will be spinning your wheels and you will not make money with your blog. The Traffic Magnet newsletter gives you a complete overview of finding a profitable Niche and micro-niche along with specific tools and resources. Sign up FREE below.

If you have had a blog for a while now and you haven’t been successful, you may have to start over from scratch. That’s the hardest reality you face. There may be too much competition, bad choices of keywords, poor choices of products or not creating quality content. So why keep on butting your head against the wall on a dead-end Niche? Cut your loses and go back to the drawing board. Research, research, research!!! Time spent on the front end will save you massive frustration and heartache. To shortcut the learning curve, go ahead and sign up for Making Money Fast Home Study Course. Just fill out the form at the top right-hand corner of this site. Earning money blogging will require the right Niche, right keywords and the right product. Once you have these rights, you cannot fail. Trust me. There are 1000′ of Niches out there that will make you money but you must do due diligence in your research.


This is the fun part. I covered this in a previous post on this blog. But there are many other ways to make money with your blog. They include affiliate marketing, selling advertising space on your blog, using PLR products, creating your own products, selling your e-book, CPA marketing, selling software, creating an e-commerce store, banners and the list is endless.


This is where most everyone struggles. This is especially true if there is high competition in your niche or market, and if your keywords are not properly targeted. Here are just a few tips for getting traffic to your blog: Social Bookmarking, getting backlinks with a high page rank, getting indexed by all of the major search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo and Bing.

The key to getting more traffic is to make sure your blog is fully optimized for the search engines. This is called SEO (Search Engine Optimization). All of the search engines have free tutorials and you should take the time to go through all of these.

One of the best ways to get traffic is through the use of a good squeeze page. It is possible to create a squeeze page on your blog. I have a step by step guide in my home study course and also some great tips on this in the Traffic Magnet Newsletter.